Along with feeding the animals properly, make sure that the feed is made by mixing the right things or not. Because, t...

Along with feeding the animals properly, make sure that the feed is made by mixing the right things or not. Because, t...
After 8-12 hours of animal’s delivery, if placenta does not come out of the animal then it is a big problem of conce...
Usually after 1 year of egg production the feathers of chickens gets fall off. This process takes 4 months to complete...
Cattle’s health and milk production depends on their proper dose. Along with this, the right amount of calcium shoul...
The quantity of milk produced by the animal directly depends on their diet/dose and the way in which they are managed. 1. Strop milk...
As you know, the summer season is going to take special care of the milch cattle in the summer season. Today we talk a...
Many farmers connected with Apni Kheti are questioning from past few days that how much profit can be earned from pig ...
Normally, farmers become careless after insemination in cows/buffaloes and wait for the delivery after 9-10 months. Bu...