• For the prevention of fungal diseases, spraying of 4 days older sour buttermilk which is placed in copper utensil ...

• For the prevention of fungal diseases, spraying of 4 days older sour buttermilk which is placed in copper utensil ...
Weeds such as Phalaris minor, wild oats, wild spinach, bathuwa, white senji, wild peas etc. do competition with wheat ...
Jian spray:It is used for the prevention of aphids, jassids and caterpillar.
This solution works as an insecticide which has no harm on environment. We can prepare this solution easily at home by...
This disease occurs only in grains. During this disease, only few rice grains are affected in the whole panicle. And m...
Spray sour buttermilk or neem oil for mite control. Spray about 4-6 liter of or mixture of 1 liter of neem oil in 150 ...
Larvae of this pest generally have a tendency of growing in open clusters and are usually known as "army worm". The yo...
Oval, eye-shaped spots with a conspicuous dark-brown dot in the center and light brown margin produced by fungus. Spot...
It is a disease caused by fungus in Basmati crop, causing affected plants to turn yellow and start drying up from the ...
At the maximum tillering, spindle shaped spots with greyish centre and brown margin on the leaves are caused by fungus...
General information about cow-dung cake spray: By using the cow dung cake spray, we can get good yiel...
Larvae of these insects make the leaves turned into rolls and after that they feed on these rolls; these insects are a...
Green Peas are a vegetable crop. The main types of diseases which can affect the pea crop are:
Potato is the crop grown in many districts of Punjab. Many improved varieties, seeds, manure and water management are ...
India is fourth largest contributor of oilseeds and Rapeseed and mustard contributes about 28.6% in total oilseeds produc...