Littleleaf Disease: This is a disease of mycoplasma, which harm ...

Littleleaf Disease: This is a disease of mycoplasma, which harm ...
• For the treatment of nursery plant, make a solution of 5 gram Trichoderma in one liter of water and dip the plant ...
Leaf Curl Disease: This disease is common in the rainy variety of chilli, capsicum and tomato crop. I...
Jian spray:It is used for the prevention of aphids, jassids and caterpillar.
At the maximum tillering, spindle shaped spots with greyish centre and brown margin on the leaves are caused by fungus...
If lots of grass has grown in your home garden and you get it cut down every time, but there is no use of it because i...
Mainly turmeric is used in household as a spice for the preparation of food and can be used to protect crop from harmf...
In today's fast-paced life, we become so stressed that we cannot even sleep properly. And if sleep is not completed, then we cannot work properly. Tod...
It is a growth promoter prepared from the left out of fishes; this fish extract is even used by organic farmers in Jap...
These are the ways to prevent pulses from dangerous pests and diseases 1.Thrip- This pest is small in size and of dark brown c...
Plants get many diseases. Due to which there is great harm to the plants. Today we are going to tell you about the tre...
Mustard crop provides us with the seeds for mustard oil. It is sown in Rabi season. There are lot of varieties availab...
Organic manure is one of the best soil improvisers. It has proved to be the safest form of soil rejuvenation and has l...
After plant development many major deficiencies are seen. At starting time zinc, phosphorus, boron, sulfur deficiency ...
Fish have all the elements that are present in a healthy diet. Fish diet is rich in protein and plenty of vitamins and...
Potato is the crop grown in many districts of Punjab. Many improved varieties, seeds, manure and water management are ...
Farmers mainly use pesticides to protect their crops. Mainly pesticides are poisonous and usually people come in contact with these. While using pesti...
What is Nematode?
Nematode is a very fine thread like a worm that...
What is Bio-gas ?
Bio gas is a source of energy ...
Wheat grass is a gift that helps us to fight with many kinds of diseases. It is a collection of many minerals and vita...
Method of making FYM (Farm Yard Manure):
To prepare good quality ...
Increase pulses use by processing methods
Pulses are used to prod...
From ancient times, India is organic based agricultural country and it is also mentioned in our scriptures. Panchagavy...
It is a floating fern consisting of branched, short, floating stem and bearing roots which hangs downward in the water...
SRI Technique
What is SRI technique?
How to do vegetable farming on house rooftop:
In cities where gar...
Early varieties:
Co 89003 (Co 7314 X Co 775) :
Nowadays anaemia is a very common disease which is mostly found in young girls, young children, pregnant women and peo...
Compost is carbonic element which is made by rotting agricultural remains and helps in increasing fertility of the soi...
The results of excessive use of chemical pesticides are seen nowadays. Farmers are now realizing that chemical pesticides...
India is fourth largest contributor of oilseeds and Rapeseed and mustard contributes about 28.6% in total oilseeds produc...
Coriander is an annual herb plant used as a spice in kitchen. It is mostly grown for its fruit and green leaves to provide flavor in dishes. Dry seeds...
In India adequate amount of rice straw is produced, but they are burn in the fields. This has a very bad impact on the...
Newspaper method is very effective for seed germination. By this method seeds germinate within 2-3 days. Later it is b...