Horns are meant to protect and defend animals from other animals, from which they attack on other animals. Animal bree...

Horns are meant to protect and defend animals from other animals, from which they attack on other animals. Animal bree...
After milking, the milk temperature is approximately 37 ° C and if stored on normal temperature, the number of germs ...
Goat farming is trending then earlier, because goats reared for milk and meat are yielding good production from young ...
Indigestion and bloat problem is very common in cows and buffaloes. Like cows and buffaloes, it is found in goats as w...
Beekeeping is a very profitable business for today's farmers. in this, a farmer can make lakhs of rupees slowly by sta...
For the treatment of common diseases in animals, animal hospitals are available in every district. Sometimes, there ar...
The increase in fat content and NSF in animal’s milk depends on the animal’s diet. Successful dairy owner always t...
Teat’s disease which generally occur in cattle is a big problem for every dairy farmer and due to late its late trea...
Generally when the farmer buys cattle, at that time they should check whether the animal is in her proper milking peri...
Here are some points that why poultry farming is a beneficial business :
1. Eggs a...
Usually people start keeping pets without even knowing about their nature which sometimes leads to difficulties. Keep ...
In poultry, there is a contagious disease that is non-curable; name of the disease is “Raanikhet”. Not only in pou...
Cattle which do not conceive pregnancy even after 3 times injection of semen are called as repeater. This problem is c...
It is important to have information about the diet of cattle. In addition to maintain a good health, cows/buffaloes ne...
Silage making is a way for the preservation of fodder during moisture or wet season for the further use in dry season....
6 contagious diseases are commonly seen in Dogs, if not treated on time they can lead to death. Let us know about the ...
Honey Bees are very important in our life. Today we are going to tell you about the wondrous information about honeybe...
If the dairy farm is started with right methods and proper information, then it is a very successful business as it is one of the best allied activiti...
1. World’s smallest land animal is vertebrate. (Paedophryne amanuensis) species of frog and was difficult to detect....
From the birth of calves to the first two weeks are the most important. The weight of the child at birth is about 10% ...
The problem of the swelling of udders in animals is now more common than before. Before going in for medical treatment...
Real truth behind black & bright Kadaknath Chicken breed
It is a floating fern consisting of branched, short, floating stem and bearing roots which hangs downward in the water...
Many farmers connected with Apni Kheti are questioning from past few days that how much profit can be earned from pig ...
At present, there are 50 established and 90 different colorful varieties of rabbits present in the world. All breeds o...
Chronic respiratory disease is the highly contagious respiratory disease Characterised by chronic but mild respiratory...
Coccidiosis is a common protozoon disease of poultry. It is characterized by enteritis and bloody diarrhoea. With the ...
Fungus poisoning, also commonly known as Mycotoxicosis, is a type of diseases which is cause due to poisonous cattle feed...
Many times a newborn calf can be a victim of any internal injury or lack of oxygen during the delivery process. Shortly af...
Some of you people will definitely be thinking about rabbit farming or rearing. So, is this a profitable venture or not? ...
Pregnant cows/buffaloes should be looked after carefully. Usually, there can be many problems in animals during pregna...
Normally, farmers become careless after insemination in cows/buffaloes and wait for the delivery after 9-10 months. Bu...
Diarrhea is a main symptom of intestinal diseases. It can lead to the death of calves. There can be many reasons for t...
Usually people start keeping pets without even knowing about their nature which sometimes leads to difficulties. Keep ...
This is the procedure to make burger patty from Pork 1. It is a product, prepared from boneless pork meat. Minced chicken is used to prepare it....