If the paddy is healthy then the yield of the crop will also be higher. Today we are going to tell you about the impor...

If the paddy is healthy then the yield of the crop will also be higher. Today we are going to tell you about the impor...
At the maximum tillering, spindle shaped spots with greyish centre and brown margin on the leaves are caused by fungus...
In some areas, this insect is serious. During June-July with the first showers of rain, the adult beetles emerge from ...
While using insecticides if precautions are not taken then it will be harmful. These insecticides are poisonous due to...
7 times the vitamin c of oranges, 4 times the vitamin A of carrots- Moringa.
Growing capsicum continuously for many years increases the probability of various types of pests and diseases. Aphid, ...
• Whenever you stop, shut down the engine. Not switching off the engine without any work waste about one litre...
Weeds such as Phalaris minor, wild oats, wild spinach, bathuwa, white senji, wild peas etc. do competition with wheat ...
Saptdhanyankur Energizing Medicinal Tonic - This Magic Potion Enhances the Size, Weight & Taste of Crops.
It is also known as plastic tunnel technology are miniature structures giving greenhouse/ poly house like effect. They...
If lots of grass has grown in your home garden and you get it cut down every time, but there is no use of it because i...
White fly harm the cotton crop adversely. Due to this the leaves curls down. It generally attacks the crops during rai...
After cut the rabi crops and before growing kharif crops, the following things should be kept in mind. 1.
To increase the fertile strength of soil, procedure of plantation of green vegetation is cultivated in the same field ...
Fertigation means, giving irrigation and nutrients to plants simultaneously through micro irrigation system. Water-sol...
There are many benefits of gardening small vegetables at home, if you have little vacant land in front of your house t...
Leaf spots are circular to irregular with separate yellow halo, reddish brown to dark brown in color. On both leaf surfaces, spots are dark brown to b...
Mainly turmeric is used in household as a spice for the preparation of food and can be used to protect crop from harmf...
It is a measuring instrument which gives the knowledge about the level of water in the land. By its use we can fix the...
The fungus infects rice grain and converts them into large greenish or yellow velvety fruiting bodies. In the beginning, mature spores are orange and ...
• It is an Eco-friendly technique used for management of fruit flies mainly in kinnow, peach, plum, guava, pear and ...
Grow green manure and make earth healthy:
Maize borer: The maize borer is a serious pest from June to September. Its larvae first scrape the leaves and then bore into the stem...
In today's fast-paced life, we become so stressed that we cannot even sleep properly. And if sleep is not completed, then we cannot work properly. Tod...
Shade net house:
Green Manure: Green manure is a natural means for increasing the...
The use of Beej amrit in natural farming is done to make the seeds disease and pest resistant. Among 100 seeds sown wi...
When the crop is ripe, then it is ready to the harvesting.so here are some points you need to keep in mind while harve...
Sour Buttermilk:
Bullock Levelers are hard to find these days. In the earlier days, carpenters in the villages used to make these level...
It is a growth promoter prepared from the left out of fishes; this fish extract is even used by organic farmers in Jap...
This solution helps in crop growth. With very little efforts we can prepare it within 24 hours.
Today we are going to tell you about effective weapon against pests in the sugarcane and peanut crop. •
The design is simple and anyone can make it. Depending on your requirements you can increase or decrease the size. Bui...
Tomatoes are grown twice a year, in June and second time in November – December.
For the proper use of fertilizers in the paddy field, Punjab University of Agriculture is explaining how to use the ...
These are the ways to prevent pulses from dangerous pests and diseases 1.Thrip- This pest is small in size and of dark brown c...
Plants get many diseases. Due to which there is great harm to the plants. Today we are going to tell you about the tre...
1. Harvesting and Threshing of Unripe Wheat: Harvesting and Threshing of unripe wheat crop at times b...
On valentine's day people exchange gifts with their loved one's like roses, candies, chocolates etc. do you all know t...
Seed treatment of any crop is very necessary. There are many types of chemicals available for the seed treatment, but ...
• Take 2½ kg urea, 2½ kg DAP and ½ kg zinc (21%).
• Dip DAP in plastic or e...
General information about cow-dung cake spray: By using the cow dung cake spray, we can get good yiel...
Larvae of these insects make the leaves turned into rolls and after that they feed on these rolls; these insects are a...
As we all know that what is the importance of soil in agriculture, soil is the base of all the things that we use from...
If you are fond of gardening, then this article will help you a lot. Whenever you eat banana’s you must be throwing ...
Spots appear on branches, stems, leaves and pods and these spots are of dotted shape. Seeds, which are present in the ...
Mustard crop provides us with the seeds for mustard oil. It is sown in Rabi season. There are lot of varieties availab...
Green Peas are a vegetable crop. The main types of diseases which can affect the pea crop are:
The success of the crops depends heavily on the quality of the seed. If the seed is not right than there is no benefit...