In today’s fast paced life it is very common for people to get stressed. Today we are going to tell you one such remedy to get rid of this tension. With the help of this you can get rid of stress and tension easily.
By using chamomile flowers, you can get rid of both fatigue and stress. Let’s know how to use it:
Chamomile flower is also called as baboon in the local language. Regular consumption of its tea helps in relieving stress.
• To make chamomile tea first, dry out its flower and make powder.
• After this, boil one cup of water and add one spoon of powder in it and boil again.
Your chamomile tea is ready to drink. It will help you to get rid of stress within minutes.

Along with removing the stress, it has other medicinal properties also:
• Chamomile tea removes the problem of migraine. Consumption of chamomile tea before going to sleep proves beneficial in migraine.
• It also strengthens the muscles.
• Relieves headache.
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